


Teatro Cantiere is a research theatre group created in 2003. The team, made up of Sara Pirotto, Hengel Tappa, Davide Cangelosi, is now flanked by Lidia Boniaga, Josephine Chiara Lunghi, Sara Chirico. Teatro Cantiere was born in the beautiful deconsecrated Church of S. Bernardo, aka Cantiere Sanbernardo Cultural Centre in Pisa, Italy, and has recently moved to the small village of Piana Crixia, in Liguria region. Teatro Cantiere focuses on the creation and exploration of a personal aesthetics, ethics and method in its approach to theatre, and works on the theater expressive and psychic possibilities inspired by Odin Teatret’s and Jerzy Grotowski’s work.


Teatro Cantiere’s approach is based on an intense vocal and physical training exploring impulse, reaction and both verbal and nonverbal communication. The actors, over the years, have developed a personal physical communication following their own inner rhythms, which has resulted in a ‘danced theatre’ or a ‘theatre that dances’. The research into the possibilities of voice and sound has led the group to develop Glossolalia (a language system, something like speaking in tongues) whose strength is not based on the meaning of words, but on their emotional communication and vibrations. Teatro Cantiere also uses Glossolalia in its exploration of the singing voice.
Just like circus families, the TC team is self-sufficient: organizing its own publicity and promotion; and staging the performances (lights, costumes and sets). TC leads workshops and meetings and invites artists involved in any kind of performative arts, to share their skills. Teatro Cantiere is continually looking for brand new artists to collaborate with.

Current productions: Sogno di mezza estate (Midsummer dream), Non c’è niente fuori (There’s nothing outside), L’anima della masca (The soul of the witch), Una notte la Sicilia mi venne a cercare (One night Sicily came to me), Incontri e incanti dal mondo sotterraneo (Meetings and enchantments from the underworld),

Festival Organization: M’arzo Pazzerello 2011 (Pisa), Ricercare il Teatro 2012 (Pisa), Senza Filo Music Contest 2010-2017 (Pisa), Teatro Senza Filo 2013-2015-2016-2017 (Pisa), Be Folk! Festival 2018/2019.
Festival Participation: Fringe Festival 2012 (Bologna), Liberarti Festival 2010 (Montaione), Sceneforum 2012 (Pisa), Cartasia Festival 2007 (Lucca), Genetic Parade 2006 (San Giuliano Terme), Magazzino Festival 2005 (Scarlino), Nuove Impressioni 2013-2017 (Alcamo), Espressivamente 2013 (Barcellona P.G.), Fortissimo 2015 (Vinadio), DanceProjectFestival 2016 (Trieste), Balla coi cinghiali 2016-2017 (Vinadio), The Human Mosaic (Teatr Brama, Goleniow, Poland) 2018, Bramat festival (Teatr Brama, Goleniow, Poland) 2019, 110 Hertz festival (Coltano, Pisa) 2021.


Teatro Cantiere
via Valpiana 7 – 17058 Piana Crixia (SV), Italy
+39 019 429 0099 – +39 339 2120 211 Sara
www.teatrocantiere.it | info@teatrocantiere.it
YouTube | Facebook | CircYOUity | Twitter | Soundcloud
